An invalid setting in the registry may be set in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\Licensing Core\PolicyAcOn subkey on your Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based computer that is configured as a terminal server using a Per User or Per Device licensing setting. This may unexpectedly change the terminal server licensing mode and cause the terminal server to obtain only temporary licenses.
This problem occurs when you use the Windows Components Wizard in Add/Remove Programs to add or to remove a Windows component.The value of the PolicyAcOn registry entry changes from either 2 for Per Device mode or 4 for Per User mode to an invalid value of 0. Because of this invalid value, the terminal server is not aware of the type of licenses it should obtain. Therefore, the terminal server starts trying to obtain temporary, Per Device licenses. The terminal server configuration shows only Per Device as the licensing mode setting. Therefore, to determine whether the problem described here has occurred, examine the value of the PolicyAcOn registry entry.
Terminal Server Licensing Crack Windows 10
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in WindowsAfter you apply the hotfix, you must reset the PolicyAcOn registry entry to the correct setting of either 4 (Per User) or 2 (Per Device) to configure the licensing mode. NoteWhen you change the value in the registry as described in the following steps, you will not change the setting that is shown in the Terminal server configuration interface. To reset the registry values, follow these steps:
There are many web sites outlining how to reconfigure windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 to allow multiple concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions, basically making a desktop PC a terminal server. On many occasions I have pointed out doing so is a licensing violation, however I confess I have never seen this specifically stated in any ELUA. I have been privy to discussions with Microsoft where this has been discussed, and Microsoft employees and support site personnel have often posted it is not permitted on various sites.
Cloud Servers: We do have customers using cloud SAAS (server as a service) providers. New customers are split between choosing an onsite physical server vs a cloud server. If you wish to run Minotaur in a private cloud and not on a physical server at your business, all users would be accessing the program over the internet via terminal server; so, you will require a reliable consistent high speed internet connection and purchase a terminal server license for each connected user. We recommend you invest in a backup internet solution to ensure your staff always have access to the program (we maintain a cellular hub at our own office as a backup should our fibre line go down (and yes, that has actually happened twice, when the line was cut during construction by Bell or other businesses)).
For Handheld or off-site users: Tablet or handheld computer scanners require the ability to connect to a Microsoft server and ability to connect to the internet (for off-site users) or to your internal network using WIFI. Microsoft Terminal Server licenses will need to be purchased for the server for your scanning, scale station and offsite users even if your server is located onsite. These users will also need a version of terminal server access on their device. We are currently recommending Android as the operating system of choice for new scanning or tablet devices along with an rdp (remote desktop protocol) app. Microsoft offers a free rdp app on the Google Play store. There are other inexpensive rdp app options, such as Jump and Parallels, which are less than $20 per device. When sourcing hardware, we suggest you look for devices where the keyboard configuration on the handheld scanners has an Escape key, a Tab key, an Enter key and a Scroll Bar in addition to the numbers and/or letter keyboard. Our system continues to function with Windows mobile 6.5 devices, however that program is end of life and Windows is not planning to make available a mobile Windows specific operating system option moving forward. We are happy to work with you or your hardware vendor of choice to review the specifications of units you have already or those you are thinking of purchasing.
Please note that different scale indicator brands send output from the indicator in different formats. We will need to remotely test any equipment you plan to use, new or old, for compatibility with our touch screen interface. Together with your hardware supplier, we can review scales technical specifications to determine options for interfacing. In the event that your scale indicator is not compatible with our interface, additional programming or set up costs may apply or new hardware may be required (such as a new scale indicator). Each touch screen workstation will require terminal server access from the touch screen computer unit as well as appropriate remote desktop server licensing. Note that if using a server with a Domain Controller, Microsoft recommends that a domain controller not be used to host terminal server sessions due to potential security and performance issues. Please have your hardware provider talk to us about options.
If you have installed an RDS Server 2016 for testing purposes and the RDS licensing grace period has expired, then continue reading below to learn how to reset the 120 days grace period. As you may know when you install the RDS Server 2016 you have 120 days to install the RD client access licenses (RD CALs), otherwise users will no longer be able to establish RDP sessions on the RD Session Host server, with error "The remote desktop session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License servers available to provide a license".
The PowerShell script can be used to query and reset terminal server grace period to default 120 days if it is nearing to the end. We often need to deploy Terminal Server (Remote Desktop Session Host in 2012) for testing purposes in development environments allowing more than 2 concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions on it. When it is installed, by default if no RDS or TS Licensing server is specified via either GPO or Registry, it is in default Grace period which is 120 days and it works fine until then.
Once Grace period expires, the server does not allow even a single Remote Desktop session via RDP and all we are left with is to logon to the Console of machine using Physical/Virtual console depending on Physical or Virtual machines or try to get in using mstsc /admin or mstsc /console, then remove the role completely and restart the terminal server (RDS Server) and post that it starts accepting default two RDP sessions.
None of the solutions works, 1 windows 2012 R2 with RDSH and connected to remote Windows 2012 R2 RDS license with 250 CAL, have set GPO to point to remote server with per user mode.After delete the regkey its back after reboot server and server gets in 120 days licens
Licensing a VM on a server as compared to a physical OS is a completely different set of requirements. The OEM license has a lot of restrictions on licensing and SA and Windows VDA are Microsoft's licenses options for a more flexible way to use the Windows OS.
"...............Microsoft licensing policies for Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (including the components that are included in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012) require that, in addition to a Windows Server Client Access License, Microsoft Core CAL Suite, or Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite, you must acquire a Windows Server 2012 RDS CAL for each user or device that directly or indirectly accesses the server software to interact with a remote graphical user interface (GUI) (using the Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services functionality or other technology). Remote Desktop Services functionality is defined as those features or services that are running when enabling the Remote Desktop Services role and/or role service(s) in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012. This includes but is not limited to Remote Desktop Gateway, RemoteApp network software, Remote Desktop Web Access, Remote Desktop Connection broker, Remote Desktop session host, Remote Desktop Virtualization host, and RemoteFX......................."
You dont have to have RDS licenses if you used windows 8.1 VMs on the Server 2012 R2 Datacenter edition and connected with those VM's using those VM's built in Remote Desktop service and not through the server's services. You can change the listening RDP ports to 3391, 3392, 3393, 3394 etc for the VMs and call them directly from your devices with RDP client (windows or Mac).
Furthermore, the other change is leaving the volume licensing version of Office, which always came in very handy on non-persistent/stateless environment due to the activation of Office. For example, when a Virtual Machine reboots, the Office activation process could connect to an internal KMS server, which remembers the activation count based on the computer ID, and automatically activate Office each time.
Hi Stephen,Do you have any experience with per device licensing for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. Found an article from Microsoft regarding this ( -us/deployoffice/device-based-licensing). I want to use this kind of licensing to deploy a single RDP server for 10+ users without upgrading to business premium plan. Do you Have any experience with this and know if it will work? 2ff7e9595c